Thought for the Month of December

Thought for the Month of December

Thought for the Month of December

# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Month of December

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for (Hebrews 11:1).

A place I have worked has this motto: “Avita Pro Fides”- Latin for the “Zealous faith of our Fathers”. Many of us become or are Christians because people related to us who were Christians, introduced us to the faith and inspired and encouraged us in the faith.

 Advent is the beginning of the Church Year. It is a time when we reflect on in the year gone by and look forward to the coming year thinking particularly the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith. A symbol of Advent is The Advent Wreath with its five candles found in most churches and places of worship. The five candles are placed on an evergreen circle of leaves indicating we should forever hold on to our faith and must let it wither or change. The wreath is circular because God’s love is eternal without a beginning or end. I quoted above from the 11th. Chapter of Hebrews, a chapter I often call: “the Heros of faith” because in this chapter, you find mentioned some of the early Fathers who walked by faith with God and were thus justified by this faith. These people were not perfect in any way and had their weakness, but by their repentance, humility and obedience to God, they were justified and sanctified for God’s purpose showing us that, we too can be chosen to fulfil God’s purpose.  

The first candle on the Advent wreath symbolises the Patriarchies or our ancestral fathers in the faith and includes people like: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. These people were not perfect human beings but their hearts were right with God. Abraham for instance asked his wife Sarah to lie for him and tell the Egyptians that she was his sister (Gen 12:13), but being a man of faith, he later repented and received forgiveness from God.  His faith was seriously tested when God asked him to sacrifice his only son Isaac (Gen 22), Abraham did not refuse this command from God, he went ahead to try and offer his son knowing the same God who gave him Isaac can bring him back to life again. What a faith!

The Second candle on the Advent wreaths is lit for the Prophets. The Prophets included people like: Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah who forth tell God’s word (through their preaching, exhortation, thus explaining and encouraging the people by God’s word). The Prophets did also foretell God’s word; by forewarning and giving the people an indication, what God is to do in future. Example of this is when Isaiah foretold in Isaiah 50:6- that Jesus will be mocked, spat on, struck and crucified, and this came to pass when Jesus was crucified at the end of his earthly ministry. What a calling based on faith in God!

The third candle is lit symbolising John the Baptist. John had faith and the anointing of the Holy Spirit was upon him right from birth. He came to prepare the way for our Saviour Jesus Christ by his preaching and by his baptisms for the remission of sins. John’s faith equipped to minister word of God faithfully and without fear.  John’s faith also made him humble enough to be able to tell all that, he is not the Messiah and that he baptises with water but Jesus (higher than himself and was before him), will baptise with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Again what a calling based on faith!

The fourth candle is lit symbolising Mary. Mary had faith to completely trust in the words of the angel who appeared and told her “she is highly favoured and would give birth a Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:28). She in turn demonstrated her faith by these words:” may it be to me, as you have said” (Luke 1:38).  It takes a person of faith, humility and obedience to accept the words of the angel at her young age and also to accept the prophecies of Simeon and Anna at the temple when Jesus was brought there for presented to God (Luke 2:22-38).

Lastly, the fifth candle on the Advent Ring (the white candle is lit on Christmas Day) symbolises our Lord Jesus Christ- the author (originator) and perfecter of our faith, whose birth is marked at Christmas. Jesus was born and died for us so that, whosoever believes or have faith in Him will have eternal life. So, by believing and having faith in God’s only Son, we are saved and come to eternal life. Jesus in his work and ministry while on earth, healed people who had faith in him, showing us the wonderful power of faith.

As we celebrate this Advent season and prepare for Christmas, let us think of our faith and our walk with God in this faith. Let us be faithful in our prayers and be humble and obedient to God’s word as these are the attributes that marked out the Patriarchs, Prophets, John the Baptist, Mary and Jesus (the Son of Man) and enabled them to do God’s purpose and will.  Let us also remember our faith that unites us to Christ and enables us to receive His benefits of: forgiveness, healing, justification, sanctification and hope of eternal life.  May we exercise this faith with thanksgiving to God. Amen.

Prayer: God our father, we thank You for Your promise made to us to send us a Saviour. Inspire us to prepare our hearts and wait in joyful hope for his coming into our lives. Bless us as we gather in Your name and consider the symbolism of the Advent Wreath- a sign of Your promises that come to fulfilment in Jesus, your Son, the Light of our world. May we receive and keep our faith always with praises and thanksgiving to You our Lord. Amen.

Clement Arde-Acquah

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