23/12/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for January 2025
Prayer Diary for January 2025
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for January 2025
St Albright’s Church, Stanway
Prayer Diary January.
1st: We pray for the residents of Blackbird Close. Naming and Circumcision of Jesus. We pray for the recently Baptised.
2nd: We pray for the residents of Chitts Hill. Basil, the Great and Gregory Nazianzus, Bishops and Teachers of the Faith. We pray for the Staff of the Cathedral, our Bishops and Honorary Assistant Bishops.
3rd: We pray for the residents of Church Lane. Gladys Aylward, Missionary in China, 1920. We pray for our Archdeacons and Area Deans.
4th: We pray for the residents of Cygnet Walk. We pray for the Government and the Leaders of Nations. We pray for our Parish Priests and Ministry Teams.
5th: We pray for the residents of Darnel Way. We pray for the hungry and the homeless and those in need. We pray for all involved in keeping our churches safe.
6th: We pray for the residents of Dawnford Court. The Epiphany> the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles.” Strengthen us to serve You in all the world.”
7th: We pray for the residents of Juniper Road. We pray for Teachers, School Governors, Chaplains and Pupils, as they return for a New Term.
8th: We pray for the residents of Gorse Way. The Baptism of Christ. We pray for all who will be Baptised this year.
9th: We pray for the residents of Harvest End. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, 394ad. We pray for all who have died recently and those who mourn.
10th: We pray for the residents of Heron Close. William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury 1645. We pray for our Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
11th: We pray for the residents of Holly Road. Mary Slessor, Missionary in West Africa. 1915. We pray for all Missionaries, Pioneers and all who preach the Word.
12th: We pray for the residents of Juniper Close. Benedict Biscop,628ad. Abbot of Wearmouth and Scholar. We pray for all who are ill, at home, in care or in hospital. We pray for those who look after them.
13th: We pray for the residents of Lakeside Walk. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Teacher of the Faith, 367ad. George Fox, Founder of the Quakers, 1634. We pray for those who worship in the Quaker Fellowship.
14th: We pray for the residents of Magpie Close. Kentigern, Bishop in Strathclyde, 603ad. We pray for our neighbours and friends and all who live and work in our community.
15th: We pray for the residents of Maldon Road. We commemorate World Religion Day and Plough Sunday. We pray for rural communities and those who work on the land.
16th: We pray for the residents of New Farm Road. The beginning of the Week for Christian Unity. “Love one another as I have loved you.”
17th: We pray for the residents of Alley Pond Close. Antony of Egypt, Hermit, Abbot. 356ad. We pray for the work of the Red Cross, St John Ambulance and Air Ambulance.
18th: We pray for the residents of Barley Way. We continue to pray for Christian Unity. Amy Carmichael, Spiritual Writer 1951. We pray for Mental Health Charities and Charities helping those with Terminal Illness.
19th: We pray for the residents of Heath Road. Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester. 1095. We pray for persecuted Christians, Prisoners of Faith and those Ministering in War-torn Zones.
20th: We pray for the residents of Beacon Way. Richard Rolle, Spiritual Writer 1349. We pray for all children suffering abuse or neglect. We pray for the NSPCC and Childline.
21st: We pray for the residents of Holliwell Close. Agnes, Child Martyr at Rome 304ad. We pray for all Doctors, Nurses, Carers, Hospital Workers and our Local Surgeries.
22nd: We pray for the residents of Blackberry Road. We pray for all in Loganberry Lodge, other Care Homes and the Staff. We pray for the Laity of the Diocese and Members of Diocesan and Deanery Synods.
23rd: We pray for the residents of Charles Bree Way. We give thanks for our organist, choir and the joy of music. We pray for Church Wardens, Sides People, Readers, Intercessors and Flower Arrangers.
24th: We pray for the residents of Cheetah Close. Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva 1274. We pray for our PCC and Standing Committee.
25th: We pray for the residents of Churchfield Road. Conversion of St Paul—an anti-Christian zealot> to the Apostle of Christ. We pray for our Treasurer, Members of the Hall Committee and our Office Manager.
26th: We pray for the residents of Clover Court. Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul.> Partners and Fellow Workers in God’s Service. We pray for our Congregation, especially those who have asked for our prayers.
27th: We pray for the residents of Copper Beeches. John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople 407 ad. Holocaust Memorial Day. We pray for those whose Banns will be called this year and those who will be married.
28th: We pray for the residents of Finch Road. Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Philosopher. 1274. We pray for Brownies, Guides and our Junior Church Groups.
29th: We pray for the residents of Skylark Way. Presentation of Christ in the Temple. “Let the Majesty of your Glory be our life, our Joy and our Strength, now and for ever. Amen.
30th: We pray for the residents of Partridge Way. Charles, KING AND MARTYR.1649. We pray for our King and the Royal Family.
31st: We pray for the residents of Ewan Way. John Bosco, Priest, Founder of the Salesian Teaching Order.1888. We pray for our local Churches in Stanway, and we pray for the continuation of Vocational Training.
Pam. 01206 768817.