02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Week - w/b December 7th
Thought for the Week - w/b December 7th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Week - w/b December 7th
December 7th 2020.
As we journey through Advent towards Christmas and the New year, we reflect that life has been very different this year because of the pandemic, which has affected everyone in various ways. We all feel that life will never be the same again, but God is there to lead us through the portal as he has done throughout the Bible on many occasions.
If we pause and look back over recent challenging months, we know they represent sadness and hardship for many, but there have been unexpected joys too: different ways of worship online or via Zoom, new friendships, people reaching out with kindness in different ways. Maybe shopping for somebody, a ‘phone call, a note through the letter box or simply an extra smile on our daily walk. Certainly, our road map changed suddenly this year and our plans were curtailed.
This happened to Mary, Mother of Jesus, whose feast Day we celebrate on 8th December. A single, village girl, betrothed to be married: she was certainly not expecting an Angel to appear to her to tell her she was to be the Mother of Jesus. How could this be? She did ask a few questions, but once they were answered, she replied “Let it be done to me according to God’s will.” She was willing to trust, even when it entailed the unknown. Can we say the same?
There is a further time of waiting on our Spiritual journey through Advent until the Birth of Jesus and the Joy of Christmas. In our daily life, we can look forward with gratitude that new vaccines will begin to restore a more normal pattern and hopefully reduce the pandemic that has restricted us.
Let us open our hearts to the wonder of each new day.
Father God, help us to accept, like Mary, the challenge to serve You , whether the task you give is great or small. May our lives bring glory to Christ our Saviour and King. Amen