Draft Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting and APCM - October 25th 2020

Draft Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting and APCM - October 25th 2020

Draft Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting and APCM - October 25th 2020

# PCC Minutes

Draft Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting and APCM - October 25th 2020

Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting and APCM of St Albright’s Church, Stanway October 25th, 2020 - The St Andrew’s Hall, London Road, Stanway

 The Rev. Anthony Bushell (AB) in the chair welcomed attendees both in person and online  (via Zoom).

Those present in person were: The Rev. Anthony Bushell (AB), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DT- C), the Rev. Wendy Pagden (WP), the Rev. Christopher Willis (CW), Daniel Guilder (DG), Dorothy Williams (DW), Christina Kirk (CK), Jenny Hieatt-Smith (JH-S), Trevor Ireland (TI), Ann Booty (AnB), Martin Booty (MB), Audrey Dakin (AD), Joan Alexander (JA), Pamela Higham (PH), Morag Bushell (ME - taking minutes), Roxana Chime (RC), Dorothy Jameson (DJ), Steve Whitfield (SW), Edward Benson (EB), Ravi Natarajan (RN).

1.  The chairman opened in prayer.

2.  The chairman offered a vote of thanks to RN for his help with the technology.

3.  The meeting appointed Morag Bushell (ME) to take the minutes of the APCM

4.  No apologies for absence were received, though the absence of Colin and      Jenny Wren were noted owing to unavoidable circumstances.

5.  The minutes of the last APCM (held on April 28th 2019) were discussed and agreed.

Proposed: Ann Booty (AnB) Seconded: Trevor Ireland (TI) Approved nem. con.

6.  Two nominations for the office of Churchwarden had been received, these being for David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DT-C - present) and John Bonham (absent). There being no other nominations, the chairman announced their election. He then proceeded to pay tribute to their hard work over the last eighteen months, and publicly thanked them for their work.

7.  The meeting noted that the office of ‘Deputy Churchwarden’ is not an official office and that, there being no volunteers, this vacancy was not filled.

8.  The Annual Church Meeting meeting then drew to a close.

1.  The chairman convened the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

 2.  The minutes of the meeting held on April 28th, 2019, were discussed. Trevor Ireland (TI) proposed correction under item 5 - removing reference to ‘state grant’, replacing the phrase with ‘seed corn for grant applications’.

This amendment being agreed, the meeting voted to accept the minutes. Approved nem. con.

3.  Further to the above point, Trevor Ireland (TI) asked whether a business plan had been implemented for grant applications. The chairman responded, on behalf of the PCC, saying that the intention of the PCC is to use legacy money for building repairs, maintenance and similar fabric work. The plan is to undertake work on the roof, internal plastering and tower shingling, and this will be funded from the legacy. Had the COVID pandemic not hit, this work would have proceeded quicker. The chairman explained that grant applications are unlikely to be successful when the church is holding such a large amount of capital.

4.  Moving to the Parish Electoral Roll, the chairman briefly explained the purpose of the Electoral Roll. An updated list was displayed on the screen. Mark Claydon (MC), the Electoral Roll Officer, confirmed that the updated roll is correct (although there were some communication difficulties via Zoom). There are seventy-nine names on the roll, with one removal and nine additions from last year. MC confirmed that he was happy to remain in post for the next year. The chairman offered a vote of thanks.

5.  The financial statements and annual report were presented by David Kent (DK), Church Treasurer, having been previously circulated. DK confirmed that 2019 had been a good year, with the church able to meet expected expenditure. There had also been some unexpected demands which the church had been able to afford. The Church Commissioners’ SDF funding, for which the church received an advance to pay for the development work, has now eroded. Funds are now being claimed in arrears.

Proposed: David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DT-C) Seconded: Mark Claydon (MC) Approved nem. con.

6.  The annual reports, which had been circulated previously, were agreed, Proposed: Joan Alexander (JA)

Seconded: Pamela Higham ()H) Approved nem. con.

7.  The meeting then moved to the election of officers to the PCC.

Pamela Higham (PH) was elected Deanery Synod Representative.

Eight nominations had been received for the nine vacancies on the PCC, these being: Edward Benson (EB), Ann Booty (AnB), Roxanna Chime (RC), Mark Claydon (MC), David Kent (DK), Ravi Natarajan (RN), Beverley Whitfield (BW) and Steve Whitfield (SW). Alongside this, the parish clergy, lay ministers and churchwardens are members ex officio. Full list of names and offices appended to this document.

The election thereof were confirmed, with new members welcomed and thanked, together with those continuing in office. The chairman emphasised the importance and responsibility of being a PCC member.

8.  The meeting then moved to the election of Sidesmen.

Eleven nominations had been received, the names of which the chairman read to the meeting (appended to this document). The chairman thanked them and paid tribute to the importance of their work. Visitors often comment on the warm welcome they receive at the door.

The Rev. Wendy Pagden (WP) thanked Kevin Willmott (KW) for his work during the pandemic, alongside Ann Booty (AnB) and Pamela Higham (PH).

9.  The Independent Examiner (John Porter) had previously confirmed that he was prepared to continue in this role.

Proposed: The Rev. Wendy Pagden (WP) Seconded: Dorothy Williams (DW) Approved nem. con.

10. The Electoral Roll Officer (Mark Claydon - MC) confirmed he was happy to remain in post.

Proposed: Clement Arde-Acquah (CA-A) Seconded: Ann Booty (AnB)

Approved nem. con.

11. Any Other Business

1.  Trevor Ireland (TI) reported that Snowy wishes for a faculty to remove kerbstones in the NW corner of the churchyard. The chairman thought this was a general faculty, and said he would check. Action: AB

2.  Joan Alexander asked whether the church should give Snowy a birthday present.

The meeting agreed (informally). The chairman echoed the meeting’s thanks for his work.

3.  David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DT-C) thanked Kevin Willmott (KW) for his work in finding burial plots and suggested the PCC consider the removal of stones and over burial. This was noted as a matter for the PCC to consider. Action: PCC Secretary and Chairman.

4.  The Rev. Wendy Pagden (WP) thanked the PCC and Electoral Roll for embracing the Pioneer Ministry in the parish. In particular she thanked the Pioneer Prayer and Planning Group and reiterated the three aspects of the Pioneering project -

Love for God and neighbour; prayer; relationship building.

5.  The church and clergy are actively involved with local schools. Until COVID hit, WP was interim chaplain to Stanway School; and AB and WP are governors of other local schools. WP reminded the meeting of the importance of praying for our local schools.

6.  WP reminded the meeting that a Foodbank had recently been launched in The St Andrew’s Hall, and that she expects more uptake in the coming months.

7.  Cafe Church, held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 4.00pm, may well be the beginning of a ‘New Worshipping Community’. WP reported that the current theme is ‘Stanway Stories’.

8.  Since Lockdown there has been a weekly Bible Study (Going Deeper), and this complements the weekly Prayer Meeting and Exploring Faith group, all of which is seen as Pioneering in nature.

9.  WP reported that she and the Pioneer team were thinking of surveying the new housing development with a short (four question) survey. She is seeking helpers in this project. The aim is to show that the church is listening to local needs and trying to respond to concerns of the community. WP thanked Jenny and Colin Wren (JW and CW) for their assistance thus far.

10. The chairman publicly thanked WP and reiterated the importance of the Pioneer work, which is “one of the most significant things here for a very long time”.

11. The meeting resolved to thank David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DT-C) and Francis Bushell

(FB) for their musical work.

12. Dorothy Williams (DW) proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman for his ministry.   

12. The meeting ended with the Grace.

St. Albright’s Church, Stanway Membership of Parochial Church Council 2020/2021 (APCM 25th October 2020)


 The Rev. Tony Bushell  Priest in Charge, ex-officio 

The Rev. Wendy Pagden  Pioneer Minister, ex-officio 

The Rev. Christopher Willis   Asst. Curate, ex-officio


Mrs. Penny Bonham LLM, ex-officio 

Mrs. Morag Bushell  LLM, ex-officio 

Mr. Clement Arde-Aquah  LLM, ex-officio

Mr. John Bonham  Churchwarden, ex-officio

 Mr. David TibbeEs- Chaplin  Churchwarden, ex officio

Mrs. Pamela Higham   Deanery Synod representative, ex-officio

Edward Benson - Elected Member

Ann Booty - Elected Member                                              

Roxana Chime - Elected Member 

Mark Claydon - Elected Member   

David Kent - Elected Member      

Ravi Natarajan - Elected Member 

Beverley Whitfield - Elected Member   

Stephen Whitfield - Elected Member       


St. Albright’s Church, Stanway

Sidesmen for 2020/2021 (APCM October 2020)

Rita Bishop 

Ann Booty 

Mark Claydon 

Martin Booty 

Coral Cornhill 

Doreen Hales 

David Kent 

Susan Lemon 

Gillian Lott 

Stanley Sibley J

Joy Sparks 

Kevin Willmott (12)

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  St Albright's   ·   Church Lane, London Road, Stanway, Colchester       office@stalbrights.org
